Template preview shows only one issue

Template preview shows only one issue

When trying to preview a template, either by entering a JQL expression or leaving it empty, you get only one issue, when it should be a long list of issues.

It says "To prevent long loading times, only the first 3 issues will be previewed when no JQL is entered" but it doesn't preview 3 issues.


This usually occurs after a migration from a Jira Data-Center to a Jira Cloud, here’s how to fix it:

  1. Edit the notification template that you’re using;

  2. Check if you have the “Loop Block” added to your template to be able to retrieve and show data from all the issues;

  3. In case the “Loop Block” isn’t there, please add it to the template;

  1. Be sure to encapsulate all the information that needs to be shown per issue into the “Loop Block” on the template editor.

It may be necessary to map the fields again, by clicking on each of them and selecting the field name in the menu to the right.

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