Set Up Your Own Email Template

Set Up Your Own Email Template

The Notification Assistant for JIRA is initially configured with an email template that looks like the JIRA native email template.

You can, however, create your own email templates that may be configured with any JIRA fields you like.

The Notification Assistant supports most of the internal JIRA fields as well as custom field types such as:

Date PickerMulti Group PickerRadio Buttons
Date TimeMulti SelectSelect
Free Text FieldMulti User PickerSingle Version Picker
Group PickerMulti Version PickerText Field
LabelsNumber FieldURL Field
Multi CheckboxProject PickerUser Picker
Read-only Text

Insight Object

(3rd party plugin)

CCC Last Comment

(3rd party plugin)

Elements Connect (formerly nFeed) Custom Fields and Live Fields

(3rd party plugin)

Multi Cascading Select

(3rd party plugin)

Tempo Account ID

(3rd party plugin)

JSD Request Participants

Set Up an Email Template

Click on this button  to set up your template.

Below is an example of how you can set up an email template. Specify a name, email subject, and the theme to use for your email notifications. Advanced users can write their own custom email themes.

More info on setting up custom email themes is available here

Specify some information to the recipients in the email message:

You may specify what fields you want to be displayed in the notifications. You can add, delete, and reorder as you like. You may also change the display name.

You can also configure the notification footer:

Details About the Attributes

Email Template NameGive your email template a descriptive name. Can not be the same as another email template name.
Email subjectThis will be the subject of the email sent to the recipient(s).
Email themeYou may specify a theme for the notifications.
Email message

Write a message that is explanatory to the receiver, they need to know why you have set up this notification and why it's important. This message will also differ all NAFJ notifications from the native JIRA built in notifications.

The message is written in an html editor which makes it possible, for example, to specify links or change the image to your own logo in the email. If you plan to send emails to remote recipients you need to make sure your logo can be accessed outside your company firewall.

Original field nameThe original field names that are configured in this email template.
Email display nameThe displayed field names that will be shown in the notification emails. Modify them as you like.
Choose Field

The input field to add new fields to the email template.

Include linksIf there should be any links back to JIRA in the email template
Include field changesAdd the changes of a field to the notification, and also any updated field that you haven't configured. This only applies for event triggering.
Email footerSpecify a notification footer. The footer is written in an html editor which makes it possible to include links or change the image to your own logo in the email. If you plan to send emails to remote recipients you need to make sure your logo can be accessed outside your company firewall.

Advanced Details with Placeholders

Read Placeholders 6.x for more information.

Add New Fields in an Email Template

You can add new fields to the email template (supports auto complete):

Change Email Display Name

When placing the mouse over each row you will get a list of functions where you can edit your fields. Click on "Edit" to change the email display name.

You will see this dialogue:

You can change the display name to fit your purpose, it will then be displayed in the notification emails. 
The default for "Priority" is "P" as in the JIRA native email template.

Change Position/Ordering of the Fields

You can change the order of the fields in the notification emails. 
Just drag and drop them in the desired order, it can look like this:

Your Configured Email Templates

You can now see your configured email templates at the bottom of the NAFJ configuration screen.