Using attachments as source

Using attachments as source

This documentation explains how to utilize the “Confluence Attachments” as the source for your macro.


On the page that you want to add the desired macro:

  1. Attach the file that has the language configuration directly within it (Markdown, HTML, diagram, etc.);

    1. Note that there might be a delay (seconds to minutes) before the attachment becomes visible as an option in the “Confluence Attachments” feature of the editor. (For more information, please refer to Troubleshoot Attachments)

  2. Select the desired file from the file list:

  1. Once the file is selected, you can click on the preview button on the editor:



  1. Click “Save” and update your Confluence page to see the final result.

The same steps must be followed for all supported languages on Markdown Macro for Confluence Cloud app.