Step 1. Start configuring an email template
Go to the Notification Assistant administration end create a new template. In the Blocks section choose Table View theme and highlight the most important issue fields like Priority or Due date. Save the template.
To learn more about how to configure email templates, go to Create Email Template.
Step 2. Create a notification
Go to the Notification Assistant administration and create a new notification. Provide notification name and description, choose an executing user. Provide JQL expression including the name of a project, priority, and due date. Add the email template you created before and choose Days per Week trigger. Provide day and time when you’d like to trigger the notification.
To learn more about how to create notifications, go to Triggered Notifications.
Step 3. Check your inbox
This is an example of how your email may look like. You can combine any columns you need depending on the issue or non-issue fields you provide.