File Size Limits
We currently limit attachments to a combined total of 21MB in size due to many email providers blocking anything larger than that.
File Type Limits
We will also not attach a file with any of the following file types as email providers (Google) will block emails that include these attachments:
'.ade', '.adp', '.apk', '.appx', '.appxbundle', '.bat', '.bz2', '.cab', '.chm', '.cmd', '.com', '.cpl', '.dll', '.dmg', '.ex', '.ex_', '.exe', '.gz', '.hta', '.ins', '.isp', '.iso', '.jar', '.js', '.jse', '.lib', '.lnk', '.mde', '.msc', '.msi', '.msix', '.msixbundle', '.msp', '.mst', '.nsh', '.pif', '.ps1', '.scr', '.sct', '.shb', '.sys', '.tgz', '.vb', '.vbe', '.vbs', '.vxd', '.wsc', '.wsf', '.wsh', '.zip'
Logic for which attachments are included
If the Trigger is an Event or a Post Function, then attachments added during the user operation are included
If the Attachments field is placed on a Template, then we will attempt to add all of the attachments from the issues included in the email
If another field is placed on the Template, and an attachment is referenced within that field, then we will attempt to add the attachment
For example, the Description field is included and the user mentions the attachments within the Description field.