Notion for Confluence Home


  1. Login via email/password

    1. Broken - We believe that Notion is blocking this functionality. We’re investigating a workaround.

  2. Loading nested links on click

  3. Logout

  4. Saved link

  5. Auto retry render

Getting Started

  1. Install the macro from the Marketplace

  2. Go to a Confluence page and go into edit mode

  3. Save the page

  4. Click the blue cog icon:

  5. Paste your Notion URL into the box and hit render

Supported Blocks

All these blocks support caption and comments where-ever supported.

  1. Text

  2. Heading 1

  3. Heading 2

  4. Heading 3

  5. Todo

  6. Quote

  7. Divider

  8. Bullet list

  9. Numbered List

  10. Callout

  11. Page alias

  12. Toc

  13. Toggle

  14. Nested Page

  15. Breadcrumb

  16. Image

  17. Code

Supported Inline Text Formats

  1. Bold

  2. Underline

  3. Italic

  4. Strike

  5. Code

  6. Equation

  7. Color

  8. Background Color

  9. Link

  10. User Mention

  11. Link To Page

  12. Date and time

Page related features

  1. Page Icon

  2. Page comments

  3. Page font

  4. Page width

  5. Page cover

  6. Backlinks