Markdown Macro on-premise to Cloud migration troubleshooting

Markdown Macro on-premise to Cloud migration troubleshooting

Collect on-premise logs and CCMA screenshot

When a migration fails, Modus Create support will need you to provide the following information to analyze the issue:

Analyze progress report message

If you want to analyze the logs yourself, the first thing to check should be the error message reported by cloud app:

Error message


Error message


App version ${serverAppVersion} is not migration compatible. Please upgrade to latest version.

Customer need to upgrade Markdown Macro server app to latest version.

Error while preparing migration payload in server app: <exception_message>

Modus Create support team will need to analyze on-premise logs to see what happened when preparing migration payload.

Cloud app did not receive migration payload from server app

Two hours after the migration start, if cloud app still does not receive the app-data-uploaded event then it will report progress as failed with this message.

It may be due to a network issue between the on-premise server and Atlassian Cloud. If there is any outbound proxy setup on customer’s server, then it must be configured to allow access to the following S3 endpoint:


Failed to download/persist migration data from S3

The cloud app received the migration payload but failed to parse it. If something goes wrong when preparing migration payload from server side, CCMA will send an empty payload to cloud app, causing this error.

Modus Create support will need to review your migration logs to understand what caused this issue.


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