Comment created instead of a new issue

If you have an email that's intended to create a new issue, but it's being created as a comment in an existing issue, check the following:

  1. Make sure that the Handler Mode is not comments-only

  2. If handler mode is issues-or-comments, make sure the Subject or In-Reply-To header doesn't contain an existing issue's key in the form XXX-###

Here's the logic used to decide whether to process an email as a comment on an existing issue, or create a new issue from it:

  1. If mode is comments-only or comments-or-issues:

    1. Try looking for an issue key in the subject such as XXX-### or In-Reply-To header

      1. If found, create a comment in the issue and delete the email

  2. If no issue found, and handler mode not in comment-only:

    1. Create an issue, and delete the email

  3. If we're in comment-only mode, but there's no issue found to comment on:

    1. Log an error in Audit Log, don't delete email, and allow retries