1. During development, enable two dark features on the Confluence server:

    1. Go to http://localhost:8090/admin/darkfeatures.action

    2. Enable migration-assistant.app-migration.dev-mode

    3. Enable migration-assistant.app-migration.feature

  2. In Confluence server, make sure CCMA (“Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant”) is up to date.

  3. Flag the app as being needed in Cloud

    1. Go to Migration Assistant in the Settings page

    2. Click “Assess and Install Apps”

    3. Choose “Needed in Cloud”

    4. Issue to fix: The third page (“Install”) column “Message from vendor” should not say we don’t have specific instructions.

      1. No guess as to how to resolve this. Nothing I can see in the docs.

    5. On the next page, connect your Confluence server instance to your Confluence Cloud instance

    6. Accept the migration policies

  4. Start a new migration

    1. Click “Manage your Migration”

    2. Start new migration